See also my google scholar page.

Edited Volumes

  • Brand CO, Ishungisa AM, Kilgallen JA, Pungu DC, Mabula E, Katunzi F, Nicholaus I, Mang’era CW, Kumugola Y, Urassa M, Lawson DW. (In review). The social performance of gender roles: men report lower support for women’s empowerment when in front of their peers.

  • Kilgallen JA, Ishungisa AM, Charles P, Chizi TM, John A, Nicholaus I, Sebarua E, Urassa M, Lawson DW. (in review). “A snake with no teeth”: urbanization shifts perceptions of men who support women’s empowerment in Northwestern Tanzania.

  • Lawson DW, Chen Z. (in review). Do we care too much? Extended parental care and the evolution of overparenting.

Working papers

Journal Articles and Book Chapters